When vs. While
Both while and as can be used to talk about a longer background action that was in progress when something else happened.. We discussed his plans while we were having lunch. As I was driving down the road, I saw a strange sight. Note that while and as are conjunctions. They have a similar meaning to the preposition during, but they are used in different structures.

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While: While shows us that something happens at the same time something else is happening. synonym: when I fell asleep while I was watching television. (= 'I fell asleep in the middle of watching television.') It didn't rain at all while we were on holiday. (= 'It didn't rain during our holiday.') We use while with the present continuous and past continuous tenses to show longer actions which.

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A similar problem arises with the choice of "while" since, again, "while I was driving" may simply refer to that time in your life when you were licensed to drive. And again, with the choice of "since" the same ambiguity arises between being in the act of driving and simply being licensed to drive. Therefore, I would suggest that "as" is the.

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The Difference: When vs. While (English Grammar) What's the difference between the subordinate conjunctions when and while? When & While: The Short Answer In some sentences, you can use either without a great change in meaning. Generally, if you want to focus on an action that has a duration being in progress, use a while + a progressive tense.

What's The Difference Between "A While" And "Awhile"
Let's check out the difference between DURING and WHILE.Check out my online courses http://bit.ly/MichaelsOnlineCoursesSubscribe here: https://www.youtube.co.

When y While. Aprende a utilizar de forma apropiada estas conjunciones.
We can use when and while to introduce a longer background action or situation, which is/was going on when something else happens/happened. Note that we usually use a continuous tense for the longer background action or situation. When- and while-clauses can go at the beginning or end of sentences. I was having a bath when the telephone rang.

What is the difference between "While" and "When"? Can we use them
Indicating Time. 'When' and 'while' are both used to show two actions that are happening at the same time. However, there is a small distinction that requires your attention. 'When' is used to express two single actions that happen simultaneously. 'While' is used to express two continuous actions that happen simultaneously.

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3 In this sentence, any of those words can be used and the reader will understand that birds were singing at the moment Jill stopped on the bridge. The best word depends on the context and your personal preference. In other sentences, the slightly different meanings of these words is more important.

Difference Between DURING, FOR, WHILE English Study Here
When implies at or during which time, whereas while represents at the same time. Let's take a look at these examples to understand the two: Alan was playing while we were completing our homework. Now, when we are watching TV, he is studying. Sarah requested to meet Joe when he was in London. But, she met an accident while she was going to meet him.

DURING and WHILE What's the Difference Between During vs While Learn
When / While / As - GrammarBank When / While / As Also see past continuous tense. We use when, while and as to talk about situations or actions that occur simultaneously. 1. They can be used to introduce a longer action or situation, which was / is going on when another situation occurred / occurs. As I was sleeping, the door bell rang.

AWHILE vs A WHILE How to Use A While vs Awhile Correctly? Confused
Use "while" and "as" to emphasize that the two actions were happening at exactly the same time. They can also be used to mean "during that time". "While" is mostly used with the past continuous verb tense, and "as" is used with both the past tense and past continuous verb tense. Event 1A + as/while + Event 1B

Difference Between During and While Parts of Speech, Usage, etc.
As or while As and while are used to talk about two longer actions or situations that develop at the same time. They can be used with both simple and continuous tense forms. While I worked in the garage, my wife cooked lunch. She then did the dishes as I cleaned the car.

Awhile vs. A While When to Use Awhile or A While in English • 7ESL
Answer: Dear Tony, This is a very interesting question, because both words are what grammar experts call "subordinating conjunctions." That means we use them to connect subordinating clauses to the.

During vs. While Is During a Preposition? • 7ESL
Start Quiz When we talk about something that happened in the past (or which will happen in the future), we can use the words "when", "while", "as" and "during". Here are some rules to help you use these words correctly. For background situations and activities Use ''when'', ''while'' and ''as'' to introduce a background situation or activity.…

Using WHEREAS & WHILE, Example Sentences English Grammar Rules, Learn
gramática As, when or while? Grammar > Easily confused words > As, when or while? de English Grammar Today As, when and while are conjunctions. In some uses as, when and while can mean the same, but they can also have slightly different meanings. We use them to introduce subordinate clauses.

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But "while" is more common. "As" can sometimes sound formal - or even literary. Notice that the structure of the two sentence examples is the same. Only one word changes. You can also.